Thursday, June 16, 2005

Just popped in to say Popups out

OK, I have finally discovered which links were generating pop ups and I have dealt them with accordingly, they are now deep in cyberspace along with all the news and artifacts from yesteryear!

Talking of yesteryear, well, I spelt it, so I am really, I want to start a campaign to get the
Church of the Latter Day Saints
to increase their expenditure on the British genealogy side of things. In the States you can find everything documented from the first settlers to the Irish immigration and on. Well it was our ships and records initially, I suppose that's why.
Here we are lucky if we can go any further back that 1810.

Ok, we were bombed in the 2nd World war for near on 6 years, yes it actually lasted that long 1939 - 1945, so a lot of our records went up in the fires. There must be records somewhere else......I mean, if Malachi and Nostradamus could foresee the Popes and the coming of Hitler and that maybe just 1 of the 9 million persecuted witches, under tortured because they drank herbal tea could have foretold the records being lost, then the inquisition could have written it down!
Perhaps that is what happened, they did write these catastrophes down and the records were put in a safe place, you know, just like the car keys and passports...."But I left them on the table not 5 minutes ago"!

anyway, what was I saying, oh yes, More money to the English genealogy people!

A funny thing happened on the way to the ComMISERY, (my pronunciation) today, I don't know where, but somewhere I hope!

Schools out for Summer and I get to be recreations officer for 6 weeks. I also get and this is the most important thing about school out, I also get Lay -ins! I thought it was never coming, 6 am every Monday - Friday, 18 hours is a long day for any person, let alone a man! So now, whilst my DW is asleep, My daughter and I have hatched a plan, she gets up at silly o'clock every morning anyway, be it school or not, she will now take care of the Little un until Daddy wakes up.
As long as we plan it so that Mommy wakes up after, we are in the clear! Just hope my DW has gotten bored with the post way before this sentence.

Stonehenge looks a no-go for us this year, personal reasons with which I agree fully and have no qualms about, there hasn't been a clear night for 5 years now, so I am sure there won't be one this Monday night/ Tuesday morning either as we are not that lucky in this country with the weather. Somebody mentions outdoor party or BBQ and that's that, the end of summer. We would have missed the Solar Eclipse in this country if it hadn't gone dark!

DW has just posted about Google so I thought I would have a go to......

The paddock at the end of our garden has lots of different SEX animals, they have the COCK, pigs with sagging NIPPLES and hens who are LAYING all the time. There will be a SILENCE OF THE LAMBS soon as it's feasting time, so our PUSSY cats will no doubt be into VOYEURISM at that time as will I.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

It's Official....I'm could be clinically MAD!?

Well what a fun packed week so far and it's only Wednesday!

After Sundays shenanigans, you know, 12 hours sleep the night before and allegedly a really nice guy, 3 posts, 3 meals prepared, kids bathed and smiling........Yes, it was supposedly me but I am still awaiting the photographic evidence.....Anyway, Monday........

Same old routine...No...Not today, drove our Daughter to school equipped with dirt pie and 2 litres of soda...Some school party.
Bored with this diary now......Need another quiz!

Oh yes, Doctors yesterday for some happy pills.....I never got them....I think he didn't realise I was joking, you know

Doc says: "How are you feeling?"
Me says: "Fffffffine" with my best impression of a facial tic and whole body movement, ala Monty Python scene in the jail for "Holy Grail"

and then when I said that I heard voices....Living in a 13th Century Farmhouse you are likely to hear voices, if not of the past residents, ie the people, cows, dogs, rats, pigs....And now, my family from every direction..."Dad", .....
anyhow, he's referred me to the nice man upstairs with the white coat....I am sure that when I tell him the only voices I hear are in my head and telling Me to kill the sarcasm, all will be fine!

I hope the shrink has a sense of humour or I am in trouble!!!

This morning I've already got the kids off to school, emptied the dishwasher and put all the contents away, washed and dried the laundry, fed the animals, hoovered everywhere but where the Lady of the house was fast asleep, watched the Lions win in New Zealand and the best one of all, I did some gardening, well........

As we have a large garden which is prone to weeds...This morning, with the sun shining and rain looking very unlikely...I thought oh well, weed killer.
Read the directions...40ml to 5 litres of water for 20m2....But ensure there is no possibility of rain for at least 12 hours, well.....I emptied 2 bottles of weed killer in my endeavours and covered every weed and root in the worse grown up areas.....Just as I was finished...IT RAINED and it hasn't bloody stopped....The neighbours must've thought I was mad....shit! Hope they don't have their say as I am incarcerated.

If you have read this far, I'm sorry, I am bored too!!!
quiz time!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

This one as it says

This one I can relate to and have no qualms about posting!

You scored as Paganism. Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

It's Mythical, Honestly!

I if'd and am'd about this post for a long time, but the picture was really good!

In the UK this word has a few other meanings, similar to FAG in the USA, but my wife assures me that I am no Fairy, other than a Mythical Creature from a quiz!

You scored as Faerie. Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with

Give me back the bags under my eyes!

I knew I had been tired lately, you know the male version of PMT, making bitchy and sarcastic comments to all and sundry. What I didn't realise was just how tired.

After we had finished the fine Beef hot pot I had lovingly, ok, prepared, I sat down on the couch with my DW and kids, we were watching some crap or other on the TV and I kept getting these pokes in my side and my daughter laughing. Turns out that I kept falling asleep and my DW was kicking me.

Now Meg Ryan always keeps me awake, but not last night, in an effort to stop me dozing off, it was "City Of Angels". 5 mins into the movie and that kick was felt again, so I took the Little un upstairs, helped him brush his teeth, put him into bed, talked for a while and then went into our adjoining room and laid down......This was at 8pm......

Next thing I know my wife, who had missed kicking me, was putting me under the covers and telling me it was the middle of the night and to go back to sleep, which I promptly did. She never woke me to ask if I had brushed my teeth!

7am this morning I awoke, thinking it was still the evening before as we are in the midst of British Summer time and it stays light here until 10pm, only to find everyone downstairs, wife on the couch, comotoased and the children watching a movie. Seeing this scene, it could well have been the night before and I had the perfect opportunity to give my wife her come uppance......No I didn't, hence I am still here, alive and posting.

I made the kids some breakfast, cinnamon rolls and then played a few games, you know, the usual stuff, Power Rangers, beat the babies!!!

I then, after copious amounts of coffee, looked in the mirror.....To my shock, my bags under the old tired eyes had gone....Wow, there could be a career in the movies or the glamour industry for me afterall.....Or am I still sleeping!!!!