Sunday, June 12, 2005

Give me back the bags under my eyes!

I knew I had been tired lately, you know the male version of PMT, making bitchy and sarcastic comments to all and sundry. What I didn't realise was just how tired.

After we had finished the fine Beef hot pot I had lovingly, ok, prepared, I sat down on the couch with my DW and kids, we were watching some crap or other on the TV and I kept getting these pokes in my side and my daughter laughing. Turns out that I kept falling asleep and my DW was kicking me.

Now Meg Ryan always keeps me awake, but not last night, in an effort to stop me dozing off, it was "City Of Angels". 5 mins into the movie and that kick was felt again, so I took the Little un upstairs, helped him brush his teeth, put him into bed, talked for a while and then went into our adjoining room and laid down......This was at 8pm......

Next thing I know my wife, who had missed kicking me, was putting me under the covers and telling me it was the middle of the night and to go back to sleep, which I promptly did. She never woke me to ask if I had brushed my teeth!

7am this morning I awoke, thinking it was still the evening before as we are in the midst of British Summer time and it stays light here until 10pm, only to find everyone downstairs, wife on the couch, comotoased and the children watching a movie. Seeing this scene, it could well have been the night before and I had the perfect opportunity to give my wife her come uppance......No I didn't, hence I am still here, alive and posting.

I made the kids some breakfast, cinnamon rolls and then played a few games, you know, the usual stuff, Power Rangers, beat the babies!!!

I then, after copious amounts of coffee, looked in the mirror.....To my shock, my bags under the old tired eyes had gone....Wow, there could be a career in the movies or the glamour industry for me afterall.....Or am I still sleeping!!!!


Anonymous said...

Aye... sorry matey... thought ye might be easy creds... lost over 100 total, meself, so far...

carpediemtomorrow said...

lol, I don't seem to do to well, I am sure that shoutbox on the members page has something to do with it!

Anonymous said...

u be negative on it? I dunt 'ave any friends on right now, that i be knowin' o'.... i won't challenge ye again this week... ;)

carpediemtomorrow said...

cheers matey!

Julie said...

but you were soooo sweet! Your new bedtime is 8pm every day!!!

carpediemtomorrow said...

but Mom, some of my best programmes are on after the watershed!!