Thursday, June 09, 2005

I'll be bloggered!!

I set a new personal record this morning for mowing the lawn.....because God has been pissing all over England lately, then just when you think there will be a break, he/she must shake! Now that doesn't make sense, do women shake? Anyway, I'm digressing, so we have had a lot of rain lately, in between the downfalls I have tried to mow our modest garden so the kids can see the dog shit before they stand in it. It has been taking me 4 hours just to mow one lawn, but TODAY, June 09, 2005, it took me, wait for it......3 hours to mow the whole bloody garden.......I don't know if I was more impressed with the time or the fact that I hadn't keeled over and had an heart attack!

Am I sore? You bet your pretty arse I am sore, My shoulders and arms are aching and my hands didn't stop vibrating for about 40 minutes afterwards. WHO cares? I hear you mutter, YOU may not, I may also have dug my own grave, done a bad thing, now my wife knows it can be done, but I care, perhaps I can take that garden break soon and enjoy the garden for what it is, our oasis, instead of looking out of the window and putting off the inevitable!

What else happened today? Well I managed to get out of bed before 0630hrs and take our daughter to the bus stop for her hour long journey to school. I came back and got the little un dressed and ready for the creche, well Mommy had to help and coax him as he told us that he had no shoes to wear, little bugger....When we got in the car we were having our little customary insulting match...He's 3 by the way, and then he was fine, ran into the "little school", put his backpack away and was a happy little soul until Daddy, in his infinite wisdom, yes I do have some, well sometimes, there was this one time.....I'm digressing again....knelt down to give him a hug and tell him that I loved him, at which point he started crying and wanted to come home. Thankfully the assistants there managed to crow bar him away from me and I made a tactical, hasty departure.

Home and the mowing record, before picking little un up again at noon and off for his staple diet of McDonalds, it's the toys he wants, honestly, he doesn't eat anything but healthy food usually, you know the sort of thing, corn dogs, chicken nuggets, sweets/candy and anything with chocolate!

We had a couple of hours of playing in the garden, no shit on the shoes :) and off to pick up big sister, she's 10. After big sis's obligatory 30mins gymnastics practice and display in the newly mown garden, it was for the family to have dinner, tuna pasta was on offer tonight, so little un had garlic bread, then the kids bathed, brushed their teeth and were both in bed asleep by 9pm....

It's now's what time, what have you been doing for the past 2 hours......umm.......Looking for something to post...Couldn't find anything so I won't bother tonight!


Jen said...

Wow! That's pretty impressive...

No women don't "shake," or at least none that I know of. But, a few may want to know of your vibrating hands ;-)

Jen said...

OK, I know I'm double commenting... But I saw your banner and surfed in to tell you

Anonymous said...

God's pissing all over Canada latey too mate. I feel for you!

Anonymous said...

Took me three days to do ours last month although just for an hour or two each day!
Was it the first cut of the year? Was for me. Strimmer was broken so I used the hover mo like a scithe holding it in the air, big mistake!
Its jobs like those that help you find unknow muscles!

3rd daughter said...

send some rain to oz, please! despite the fact that is is allegedly winter, the temperature is still around 21-23C most days and very, very dry. our farmers would love your excess precipitation. :)