Sunday, August 28, 2005

What would you have done?

This story amazes me..........I know that all the proceeds are going to very worth while causes....But look at the image on the left...If you had the chance, would you pay a small fee to look over this replica of Nelson's flagship, HMS Victory?
A back up for future generations?

These donations would be an on going income for the cancer charities and local good causes.

Or would you prefer this..a one off donation?

Leave me a comment, tell Me what you think?
Check out the full story here....or go to the official HMS Victory website


Chickie said...

I don't get it. Why on earth would it even be an idea to burn it for charity? Did the original go up in flames?

They should have just kept it and kept on charging admission to look at it.

How odd.

carpediemtomorrow said...

She's safe and sound and open to the public.....In 1922, amid fears for her continued survival, the Victory was moved into Portsmouth's Royal Naval Dockyard and placed in No2 Dry Dock. Work then began on restoring the Victory to her 'fighting' 1805 condition.

Renee Nefe said...

So this group goes around building things to burn for charity & the fun of it. Sounds like a bunch of pyros to me.
Glad to hear that the original is till around and that they raised some money for the charity.

Anonymous said...

I think they must be nuts.

Rod the Brit

Jen said...

I think they should have hit it with sticks until candy fell out of it. That would be a GREAT pinata!

Seriously, I don't get it. That's small enough to be a nice traveling money-maker.

carpediemtomorrow said...

My sentiments exactly Jen