Lather: What is the most embarrassing family incident YOU WERE INVOLVED IN that you can recall? It can be something done to you, or by you.
This has to be a New Years party.......featuring my family and the Ex-wife......enough said
Rinse: Did you have a "lovey" (special blankie, stuffed animal, etc) as a child? Where is it now?
I had numerous footballs. My life then as now, was dominated by football and I wouldn't go anywhere without a ball, some thing to kick around, anytime and any place.
Repeat: Spread the blog love, what blogs have you seen lately that you think more people should be watching?
My lovely Wife's of course...
Awww, what a sweet comment about me. :)
Great start, honey!
Great post! Of course, I keep forgetting you are across the pond where "footballs" are round and kicked about....
Happy Blogging!
And thanks for not including me in the "embarrassing" question! :)
I don't think you said NEARLY enough about the New Year's Eve party. Maybe you should call me later and tell me all about it?
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