Friday, September 23, 2005

Free sex for 8 years? Join the Catholic Priesthood!

This was the nicest title I could bring myself to come up with!
Mother fucking, cock sucking, ass bandit was another, but I didn't want to offend anyone!

Look at the image on the right, ahhh, poor old man..Then read this:

"Sex abuse priest given four years"

Gregory Carroll (remember the name) abused boys over an eight-year periodA Catholic priest who taught at the prestigious Ampleforth public school in North Yorkshire has been jailed for four years for sexually abusing boys.

That's not bad is it, cause terror and ruin the minds of little school boys and expect a sentence for half the time you carried out these heinous crimes.
If you read the full story you'll find that he had been caught before and was just moved around.

This Wanker needs to be hung, drawn and quartered at the Tower of London with free entry and coverage extended to all media!
Then an Independent committee needs to be formed and allowed entry into the Vatican, with access to all areas and to find out just how many more of these bastards are around!

Just how many more times can we be expected to hear these stories and all the cover ups by this church!

Before any of you Christian types start giving me shit, here's your thought of the Day:
The victims could have been your loved ones!

Read the full story......


Chickie said...

"Mother fucking, cock sucking, ass bandit" would be a totally appropriate title.

I think they should skin these types of people and then sprinkle them with salt.

carpediemtomorrow said...

Well thank you all for the comments. It must be the English gentleman in me coming out every now and again, that or my wife would kill me!!

As for you Shannon, you must have been in a right old lather!

Julie said...

He shouldn't be killed--that's too easy.
I think he needs to spend life in prison, with a roommate called Guido the fudge packer! Oh yeah, and Guido is a sex addict hung like a horse.

krip said...

Paedophilia within the catholic church appears to be compulsory.
Sickening really when this institution is meant to represent good.
Glad I am an atheist.

Anonymous said...

Another Ampleforth monk, Fr. Piers Grant Ferris, will be tried on similar (worse, actually) charges in May 2006 at York Crown Court. He was also sent to a parish in Workington. Of course, he's presumed innocent until proven guilty. I'm sure that the school's a fine place today, but it owes its former pupils a fuller explanation of how such things were allowed to occur.

Anonymous said...

What is really disgusting is the evidence that the church hierarchy knew what was going on and concealed it.
I agree that the Vatican needs to open its files and expose (no pun intended) every pedophile priest on the rules and every bishop, cardinal or whatever who was involved in covering them up.
There is no punishment sufficiently harsh for a person who would abuse a postion of trust to sexually abuse a child. Drawning and quartering is too quick. Putting them in with a Homo rapist might just turn out to be something they enjoy. I would recommend removing a quarter pound of flesh from their bodies every month once a month until they finally die.

Anonymous said...

Just to let you this page is the very last on google for the search phrase "My wife would kill me"