Councils all over the England are no longer having ceremonies to turn on the Christmas Lights, it's not politically correct, it's now known as turning on the Winter Lights!!!
What the F**K.
What ever happened to calling a spade a spade and Christmas, Christmas!!??
Listen to the people, your People, the English, you know the ones, some of us have ancestral roots going back centuries when Normans were just the French, England managers were English and you could buy a Cornish pasty anywhere in the British Isles!
We want to have our language, our idioms and rites back.
Take a look at the Jewish , Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist festivals and languages......They haven't changed their way of life to accommodate their foreign nationals or immigrants, they appreciate that these festivals pre-date all these asylum seekers, so why the hell should we?
We will be calling Father Christmas, Santa Claus soon and wishing everyone Happy Holidays to be safe!
I have travelled to a few country's I have tried to accept their customs, I refrained from smoking and drinking in public during Ramadan in the Gulf, seen how cute the Americans have been in adapting the Rugby league game to suit themselves and allow their boys to wear padding, so they all get home safely for Thanksgiving dinner and I have asked questions about the cultures and tried to learn the language, in an effort to fit in with them!
So if I can do it, why the hell can't they?
My Grandfather would turn in his grave if he could see what was going on now.
Very true. Same thing happening over here with a Dutch tradition called Sinterklaas (don't know if you know it).
At the same time, everyone is called upon to be considerate of the Ramadan. Got no problem with that, but I want to keep my traditions!
Welcome to America!
And welcome back! XOXOXOXO
God this irritates me. Father Christmas offends muslims, Sinterklass offends black people - what about us being offended by their festivals?
You can't get rid of Sinterklaas - I love those little gingery-type biscuits they have.
Pretty soon we can't say or do anything to keep from offending each other... next you know they'll outlaw sneezing. And especially don't say "bless you" if someone does sneeze.
Glad to see ya back.
Well as my survey goes, 0 in 6 people are against all this politically correct crap, so just who are these people, making decisions for the good of the minorities and hiding behind the red tape of bureaucracy gone wrong. Show yourselves!!!
Totally agree Scott - it's just madness, yet it's getting worse every year.
While councils spend less on "Christmas" lights, they are quite willing to spend money putting up lights for other non-British "religious" holidays.
You do realise, don't you, that almost all of the christian "christmas" rituals & festivals came from the pagans and were "taken over" by the christians to "encourage" people to join their religion?
Wreaths, lights, mistletoe, holly, tree, gifts... All around before christianity. I think it's funny that christians get all upset about a 'christmas tree' being "renamed" 'holiday tree' when they're the ones who changed the name in the first place.
That being said, as christmas has become a 'Halmark" holiday anyway & not much religion involved any more, I'm tired of all the PC crap. Let's get over it & get on with life.
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