Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Why bother with profiles?

Well I never!

What a clever idea me thinks, edit my profile, put a few of my interests down and then browse other blogs for similar good tastes as mine...brilliant and so easy. "Wow, I'll soon have hundreds of links with people all over the world, varied interests to stimulate me."

Well, what do I find?

I find that I am way out of fashion, the things I am blogging, were blogged last year!
The people with the same interests as mine, have all been absent without leave, not one has posted since September 2004.

Do I feel special or what?

Oh well, it's back to the same ole places.......
Bored, bored, bored.. com


Julie said...

awww..poor baby!

carpediemtomorrow said...

Well thank you, I need some TLC

Jen said...

I noticed the same thing. :-(

Anonymous said...

You are definitely needing time away from your computer. Have you ever considered mud wrestling??? :-)